Thursday, October 23, 2008


I Voted Pictures, Images and Photos

YES! Its official! I have done my civic duty by getting out and voting...EARLY that is! YES! Tuesday morning my dad and I went to the local library and cast our votes. He did it mostly for convenience, I did it because I will be out of town on election day and I wanted to be sure I got my vote in. It was crazy... the purpose of early voting is so you don't have to wait in long lines on election day but we ended up waiting in line for almost an hour and the line wrapped clear around the library. I'm sure the lines will be a lot worse on the actual day..but STILL! Was good to get it done and out of the way...especially since I feel that this election is an extremely important one. Therefore I strongly urge everyone out there who wasn't planning on voting to do it! Though its too late to get registered...if you are, then do it do it do it!!! Let you're voice be known....anonymously! haha.

Road trip, Bday, Halloween Treats, Autumn, and a Postcard.....

WOWZA its been quite the while since I've updated this thing. SOOO seeing as how I have the day off, I figure this is the time to get caught up! OK...First things first...

IN the end of last month (Sept) Cheryl, Kenzie, and I ventured up to Oregon and Washington for a few days. IT was a short trip...but we def had a lot of fun! The day we left Cheryl ended up driving the entire way up to Portland throughout the night...that's 12 entire hours! How insane is she? But I was truly grateful because I was exhausted. Anywho...we stopped in Portland so we could visit Cheryl's old friend Ninna and all of her ADORABLE kiddos. MAN...I wanted to steal her 2 lil boys! SO ADORABLE! WE went to lunch with them and then went to a nearby park and had quite the time! haha who knew a lil playground could be so much fun!?! Once our visit with Ninna ended Cher, Kenz, and I hauled our buns to a town called Puyallup, in WA. Pronounced Pee-ya'll-up....yeah try saying THAT 10 times fast! The town was near Tacoma and the reason for being there was because we had a hotel reservation for the night. It was sooo nice sleeping in a nice comfy bed that night, rather than the passenger car seat like the previous night! The next day we all spent some time at a Family Fun center that was basically a GIGANTIC arcade and play area for kids and outdoors there were mini golf courses, a few rides and go-karting tracks. We had a you can see in our wacky pics. Check out all those tickets I won by winning a jackpot in the arcade! Nearly 2,000!

That evening, after stuffing our faces at a nearby Wendy' arrived at our Aunt Janice's house in Maple Valley (We stayed with her for the last 2 nights). The next day was my favorite day...we didn't even do very much but we hung out and visited with our Aunt Jan and Uncle Mark and Cousin Megan. Megan has a new pup named Laslo we played with a lot as well as their old lil pup Rambo.

The next day we slept late and headed home...of course Cheryl and I got turned around so our already 12 hr drive ended up being about 15-16 hrs....GAH I thought we were going to DIE because the drive was never ending! But yes, eventually we got home....6am i believe!...and so here we are. Was totally worth the trip...I miss everyone up in WA already!


happy birthday mom Pictures, Images and Photos

My Mother's birthday was September 13th so all of us kids..and the sons in law...and together to take our mom out to dinner and CELEBRATE! WOO! Of course we did this a month later than her actually birthday! haha I felt so bad for doing it so late but everyone is so busy these days and everyone's schedules like to clash but we finally did it! We went to a restaurant in downtown SLC called Z-tejas...mmm! SOO good! Mostly a latin-recipe based restaurant. IT was GREAT seeing everyone! Mom even brought a date....MR. JOE! I don't know his last name...but Joe is a great guy. We all had fun catching up with everyone and goofying off as we always do! And the food was DELISH! I ordered a spanish-versioned macaroni and cheese dish and oh man! I couldn't stop myself! Overall everything was fantastic and I can't wait to get everyone together again! :D


I LOVE Halloween! I usually dread this time of year because summer has passed and the weather starts to cool down much more rapidly than I would like...but Halloween time is always so much fun! The other night we came home to see a note on our door and a bowl of halloween goodies! MMM MMM!!! Our neighbors are the best! As you can see we wasted no time in digging in to the can you resist rice crispy treats and salt water taffy?!? The note contained two pieces of paper...the first: a picture of a couple ghosts that we're supposed to hang on the outside of our door or in the window, the second: had a cute lil poem giving us instructions to make a present or some treats and deliver them to 2 other houses that do not have ghosts hanging on their door. The point being that we pass on the favor...YAY! I remember doing these kinds of things when we were little and I always loved it! I think my favorite part was that when delivering treats you are supposed to remain unseen so ringing the doorbell and running away quick was quite fun! haha....I don't think I'll ever get sick of stuff like this!


Every year I cannot get used to what happens in the Fall. The trees are always sooo GORGEOUS!!! Look how amazing these leaves are! I took these photos from the rooftop (yes, I got some strange looks from the neighbors...haha!) of the japanese maple we have outfront of our house. I can't believe that a plant can turn such a beautiful color! I'm in awe....haha and I'm a nerd! awe well...i got some beautiful photos...neenerneener~!

And LAST but not LEAST!...

A close friend of mine, Stephanie, recently moved to Boston...LORDY I miss that girl! But we still keep in touch and text every few days. The other day I came home to some mail of mine waiting on the table top and I found a postcard from my Steph! Its such a simple thing but it totally made my day!...of course it made me miss her more, but it made me more appreciative of our friendship. Basically she was telling me about how she isn't used to living on the East Coast and having to deal with the crazy drivers out there. But I thought Utah drivers were bad? hahaha Perhaps those are worse! Hopefully in the near future I'll be able to find a good flight deal and go visit my good friend. Until then, I guess this postcard will have to do. :D