Saturday, January 9, 2010


Apologies for the long break! Everything has been so crazy and busy in the last month! I forgot I told everybody I'd post the result of my 2D class final so I am doing that now. TADA!!!

So pretty much the reason this took me forever to update this is because right after finals finished I left to California soon after to spend the Holidays with Ryan. I was gone for 3.5 weeks. We weren't even in California the entire time. We also visited friends and family in Arizona, Colorado, and New Mexico so we had QUITE an interesting road trip to say the least! I actually managed to catch a cold and the flu while gone and Ryan and I got stuck in a horrible snow storm in Flag Staff. Ryan, being from California, didn't have proper snow tires on his car and we ended up sliding off the side of the road. Amazingly enough, neither of us were hurt, not even his car. After much craziness, lots of fun and sight seeing too, we managed to make it back to Cali just before Christmas so we celebrated the holiday and New Years in the warm, glorious weather. Unfortunately, I eventually had to come back to freezing Utah since classes were starting so now I am back to the "busy student" life style. Sadly, I didn't pass my math class last semester so I'm having to retake the thing this semester so I vetoed the Design 3D class for the math. HOW BORING! Oh well, this time I'll def pass the class with an awesome grade.

This is Australian artist Sia, I LOVE her music. Give her a listen.