Thursday, August 26, 2010

Fun stuff

Ryan and I were able to attend a Dave Mathews Band concert at the Verizon Wireless amphitheater a few days ago. It was so awesome and even though we were so far away from the stage, in the very back seated on the grassy lawn, the sound was great and our view was astounding.

A couple days ago I spent quite a few hours at the DMV and after a lot of waiting around and a lot of paperwork I was able to register my car and apply for my California license. I'm happy to report that all was successful and my car is now equipped with California plates and my new DL should arrive within the next few weeks. When I arrived home that evening I was so exhausted and starved so Ryan and I grabbed some food at Costco and went to see Despicable Me. I've never had a better tasting hot dog than the one I had that day. :d

To show their appreciation Ryan's work provided him with baseball tickets so yesterday we spent the day at the baseball stadium and watched the LA Angels battle it out against the Tampa Bay Rays. Although the Rays started out strong with their first hit being a home run, the Angels kicked ass and beat the Rays winning 12-3. An awesome game and an awesome day... even though I got burned and I am now forced to sport my super cool farmer burn lines.


Anonymous said...

I would like to just clarify to everyone... even though I looked it in the picture... I was NOT stoned at the Dave Matthews concert!!

Angela said...

You said a$$... I can't believe you! I'm not reading your blog any more.... ha just kidding.

Yeah, we all know that even if you're not smoking something at a DMB concert, the chances of getting high off of everyone else's smoke are pretty darn good!

Looks like you guys have been having fun! Just don't post any beach pictures to make me jealous.